
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Below is a note I sent to Joe Scarborough of MSNBC after a broadcast today.


Oh Joe!

You so seriously misspoke today that I had to write. You stated, in effect, that adults looking at pornography in the privacy of their own homes is their own affair. You couldn't be more devastatingly and deeply mistaken. Pornography is a poison in society and its effects are rarely contained by the body which consumes it.

John Harmer, a lieutenant governor to Ronald Reagan, has written a book titled "A War We Must Win" (Bookcraft, 1999) in which he recounts some of his legal battles against pornography and why he feels it is so damaging. It really opened my eyes to some of the legal angles of this battle.

Pornography is an addiction that destroys lives and families. The effects of this personal decay ripple out through our society. These effects are manifest in a greater welfare burden as families are destroyed and in the vilest crimes committed against the innocent. This is no personal decision!

I wish you'd help spread the message about the dangers of pornography. Society has been lulled by the message that every form of sex is a private matter. The undeniable truth is that, while the act is intensely private, the effects are public. A civil society has the right and the responsibility to reasonable regulation in these areas. These is too much at stake to ignore it for long.

The following talk given at a Brigham Young University conference on the subject describes the very real physical addiction of pornography.

The following talk, given at the same conference, describes the effect on families.

Both talks were given before a religious audience, but contain much information that will be very generally applicable. I hope that you'll choose to focus on this issue in future editions of your show. I sure do enjoy the work that you do!

Bradley Ross
Orem, UT


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