President Hinckley
President Hinckley died tonight, January 27, 2008, at 7 pm, of causes incident to age.
He was president of the church for all of my adult life thus far, becoming the prophet around the same time I graduated from high school. What a wonderful man! I'm so grateful he was able to lead our church for as long as he did. I'm grateful he was so active and healthy during his tenure. And as much as I am going to miss him (it's hard to even imagine General Conference without him!), I'm grateful he is with his precious wife again. I know he missed her so much.
Of all the many memories I have of President Hinckley--waving his cane at audiences, telling the story of the walnut tree and the new podium, talking about the new Conference Center, announcing the rebuilding of the Nauvoo Temple--the one I want to share happened not at Conference, not at a regional meeting, not even at a devotional. It was during the groundbreaking ceremony of the new wing of the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU on September 30, 1996. As the ceremony ended, and all the dignitaries dug the shovels into the earth, I happened to be in just the right position to be very close to where the prophet stood. As I stood there, twenty feet away, I felt the Spirit bear the most powerful witness that this man was the Lord's annointed. It was just an amazing, unexpected moment, standing there in the sun, straining to hear what was being said as they laughed while turning over the dirt. My soul just knew that President Hinckley has was chosen of God for that time to lead the Church.
And now it is time for another worthy, righteous man to lead the church. I am praying for President Monson, and his family, and I am thrilled to see where the Lord leads our church in the next months and years. But for tonight and tomorrow, I am just going to miss President Hinckley.
He was president of the church for all of my adult life thus far, becoming the prophet around the same time I graduated from high school. What a wonderful man! I'm so grateful he was able to lead our church for as long as he did. I'm grateful he was so active and healthy during his tenure. And as much as I am going to miss him (it's hard to even imagine General Conference without him!), I'm grateful he is with his precious wife again. I know he missed her so much.
Of all the many memories I have of President Hinckley--waving his cane at audiences, telling the story of the walnut tree and the new podium, talking about the new Conference Center, announcing the rebuilding of the Nauvoo Temple--the one I want to share happened not at Conference, not at a regional meeting, not even at a devotional. It was during the groundbreaking ceremony of the new wing of the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU on September 30, 1996. As the ceremony ended, and all the dignitaries dug the shovels into the earth, I happened to be in just the right position to be very close to where the prophet stood. As I stood there, twenty feet away, I felt the Spirit bear the most powerful witness that this man was the Lord's annointed. It was just an amazing, unexpected moment, standing there in the sun, straining to hear what was being said as they laughed while turning over the dirt. My soul just knew that President Hinckley has was chosen of God for that time to lead the Church.
And now it is time for another worthy, righteous man to lead the church. I am praying for President Monson, and his family, and I am thrilled to see where the Lord leads our church in the next months and years. But for tonight and tomorrow, I am just going to miss President Hinckley.
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Pres. Hinckley became a 3rd counselor to Pres. Kimball when I was on my mission. He has been in the 1st Presidency ever since, often taking the lion's share of the work when Pres. Kimball, Pres. Benson, and Pres. Hunter were too ill to do so, but never taking glory to himself.
He is a remarkable individual. He was the first general authority to really comprehend modern media. And he made great use of it too. He always seemed so comfortable in front of a TV camera. Broadcast media worked well for him. It allowed his natural love, humor, and down-to-earth personality shine through.
As soon as we heard the news last night, I felt a tinge of loss, but I also felt happy for Pres. Hinckley. I'm sure things are pretty good for him at the moment.
Scott Hinrichs, at 1/28/2008 8:57 AM
I know, Brother Reach Upward. All I could think of when we heard was how happy he must be to have fought the good fight, and to be welcomed into the arms of the Savior. Not to mention his dear wife!
I've seen the comment "Rest In Peace" in regards to his passing, and although I understand that is a way to show sympathy and respect, it sort of makes me laugh. If there is one thing President Hinckley ISN'T planning on doing, it's resting. How wonderful to be free from the infirmities of age!
Keryn, at 1/28/2008 10:56 AM
I love what you said about him not resting. So true!
m_and_m, at 1/28/2008 3:21 PM
What great thoughts. Thank you for sharing them.
Cameron, at 1/29/2008 9:22 AM
He accomplished so much in this lifetime, yes what a reunion that will be between him and his beloved. Lovely post!
Sen, at 4/11/2008 12:14 PM
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