
Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Second Selection

Elder Richard G. Scott lost his wife to cancer in 1995. In the ensuing years, he has chosen not to remarry. I was surprised to learn (about 21 minutes into the interview) that this was not merely the result of not "finding the right one" but rather, was a conscious decision. He noted that some men might have that need, and he respects that decision, but that he does not. He and his wife did everything they could to be prepared for the time that one or the other of them would pass through the veil.

Elder Scott's daughter commented that her father, since the passing of her mother, now spends even more time ministering to people individually. Where he was once drawn home at the end of the day, now he will drop by the hospital or see to other affairs of the personal ministry.

When asked to reflect on his wife's effect on his life (around 1 hour 10 minutes into the interview), he noted that she'd touched every element of his life. He then said (emphasis added to try to capture the effect of his speaking), "I don't believe that the temple ordinance guarantees that we'll be together forever. There will be a time, before that sealing of the Holy Spirit of Promise makes it eternal, where we'll be in the presence of the Savior as individuals. And there will be a choice whether we continue with the sealing or not. And I want to do everything in my power to qualify, so that she'll choose for the sealing to be eternal."


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