General Conference Scripture Index
I do computer training at BYU. I occasionally pull up interesting web sites during breaks in instruction. A favorite to pull up has been This site lists every scripture cited in a General Conference talk since 1942. It is a fascinating way to search for additional insights to augment personal scripture study. Of course General Authorities are usually more interested in “applying” the scriptures rather than “interpreting” them. These are very different activities.
You can browse the site by speaker or by scripture. If you wonder what scriptures Jeffrey Holland likes to cite, they have the answer. If you wonder what scriptures are cited most often, you can find that too.
When I pull up the site, the students immediately notice that the volume of scripture that gets the most citations since 1942 is the New Testament. I then like to ask them why it isn’t the Book of Mormon given President Benson’s emphasis on using it. We then filter the listings to only show numbers after 1986. Guess which volume of scripture wins then?
Hopefully you'll check out and enjoy the site.
You can browse the site by speaker or by scripture. If you wonder what scriptures Jeffrey Holland likes to cite, they have the answer. If you wonder what scriptures are cited most often, you can find that too.
When I pull up the site, the students immediately notice that the volume of scripture that gets the most citations since 1942 is the New Testament. I then like to ask them why it isn’t the Book of Mormon given President Benson’s emphasis on using it. We then filter the listings to only show numbers after 1986. Guess which volume of scripture wins then?
Hopefully you'll check out and enjoy the site.
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I just found a story at T&S that mentions a great statistical review of this data.
Bradley Ross, at 8/22/2005 7:39 PM
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