In my
previous post, I wrote about a problem I was having in judging other people’s behavior.
I realize that I need to remove the beam in my eye.
But I have a smaller problem, too.
There is still a mote in my brother’s eye (so to speak).
The problem of not having Primary teachers show up to teach their classes is still a real problem. It creates trouble for the entire Primary, and, in this case, it was quite hard on the little Sunbeams on their third week of real Primary. And, as a member of the Primary presidency, I have the responsibility to address this problem.
So what should we do? Does anyone have any good ideas on how to respectfully impress on these good, faithful members the importance of teaching their classes? Or of getting substitutes? Or of at least letting the Primary presidency know? I don’t want to offend anyone, and I realize this is a minor problem, really, in the grand scheme of things. But if anyone has any suggestions, please leave a comment. I’d love to have some great ideas to take to presidency meeting!
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This kind of thing seems to vary from ward to ward. I've lived in some where no one would think of not showing up without at least a call before and wards where it seems to be more acceptable or at least where it is tolerated without comment.
One suggestion would be to call one or two people as permanant substitutes- the kind of people who could be grabbed in the hall if necessary and who could then wing it with the lesson without too much stress. Another advantage of this would be that if the regular teacher did have an emergency and couldn't be there, he or she might be more inclined to get a sub if there was someone they could call at the last minute and be pretty sure of not getting turned down.
Anyway, good luck!
Brenda, at 1/31/2006 11:14 AM
I do not think there is any problem with telling the teachers that you expect them to get the substitutes or call a presidency members if there is an emergency. I think this can be done in a teacher development meeting, or one-on-one. The trick is to make it seem that you are not scolding them. I would make it a point to tell everyone the same thing to avoid this.
Eric Nielson, at 1/31/2006 12:37 PM
I think you need to read "Crucial Confrontations" for some great insights into how to have this conversation. I'll try to remember to bring a copy home from work. For other interested parties, you can check out their official website. It is great material.
Bradley Ross, at 1/31/2006 10:55 PM
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