Nephi Upstaged
When my wife and I read aloud to each other, we often interject silly things for the characters to say to see if the other person is paying attention. We were reading 1 Nephi 3 where we read, in our slightly modified version:
I was actually a bit surprised that this wasn't the real dialogue here. It seems that Nephi went to his father's tent with the express intent of reporting back on his personal encounter with God. As soon as he arrives, his father reports that HE just had an encounter with God. Imagine feeling upstaged!
I know not everyone loves Nephi, but I keep finding new reasons to admire him. In such a brief record we can't know if Nephi and his father found some quiet time together that evening to disccuss Nephi's experience before the brothers headed off to Jerusalem to get the brass plates, thus acting on Lehi's vision. It is hard not to imagine the conversation not taking place sometime. But the patience of Nephi is impressive. That is probably part of the reason that the Lord was able to entrust revelations to him.
AND it came to pass that I, Nephi, returned from speaking with the Lord, to the tent of my father.
And it came to pass that he spake unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream--
Yeah, that's great dad, but that's not the reason I came in here. Actually I came in to mention that I was just talking with God myself. I'm sure it was a great dream and all, but doesn't my experience sound a bit more interesting? Let's talk about that!
I was actually a bit surprised that this wasn't the real dialogue here. It seems that Nephi went to his father's tent with the express intent of reporting back on his personal encounter with God. As soon as he arrives, his father reports that HE just had an encounter with God. Imagine feeling upstaged!
I know not everyone loves Nephi, but I keep finding new reasons to admire him. In such a brief record we can't know if Nephi and his father found some quiet time together that evening to disccuss Nephi's experience before the brothers headed off to Jerusalem to get the brass plates, thus acting on Lehi's vision. It is hard not to imagine the conversation not taking place sometime. But the patience of Nephi is impressive. That is probably part of the reason that the Lord was able to entrust revelations to him.
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Nephi is perhaps my favorite character in all the scriptures. When I flip through the BOM index it lists Nephi as a great prophet. Everyone else (it seems) is listed as prophet.
Eric Nielson, at 3/21/2006 9:33 AM
I'm quite certain that all sons should be reverencing their fathers in this manner. I have two rebel sons who think they know more than their dear old dad. Amazing.
Anonymous, at 3/22/2006 10:57 AM
Perhaps it is time for another post about Abraham whipping his father into shape. :)
Bradley Ross, at 3/22/2006 12:25 PM
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