
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Podcasting for Mormons II

I'm very excited about a new entrant in to the Mormon podcasting space: Sunstone. They are running two different podcasts. One will be current interviews with church people. The other will be favorite symposium talks from the past. I think this will prove to be a favorite. I listened to the first episode of the normal podcast and found it to be very well done. Just what I was waiting for! Find details about the podcast at the new SunstoneBlog.

Also of note for your listening pleasure: some recorded lectures from a conference at BYU. The "Office Professionals" on campus have a yearly conference where they invite a bunch of people to speak to them. I wasn't able to attend most of the meetings, but I did enjoy the session I attended by D. Kelly Ogden. You can download audio from any of the presentations here.

If I keep finding more audio I want to listen to, I'm going to have to break down and buy a portable MP3 player. Excuse me while I go look at the red numbers in my checking account.


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  • Hello. I just wanted to say that I am intersted in Mormonism and as I read your blog it seems like you have a lot of interesting things to say about it. I will look forward to reading your posts!

    By Blogger Dawn, at 9/27/2005 5:36 PM  

  • Dawn, thanks for your kind comment! There is certainly no shortage of Mormon thought on the Internet. Hopefully you'll find plenty of interesting and uplifting things to read.

    By Blogger Bradley Ross, at 9/27/2005 8:49 PM  

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